2009-03-25 Naoya Tozuka * Merged naoya_t's mecab-gauche-0.98pre1 (http://blog.livedoor.jp/naoya_t/archives/51131440.html) * Supports: * Tagger class * Accessors for mecab_node_t structure members * All MeCab APIs, except those which overwrite their argument: mecab-sparse-tostr3, mecab-nbest-sparse-tostr3, mecab-nbest-next-tostr2 * (mecab params ...) makes a new instance with parameter(s). The format is inspired by leque's (make-mecab :rcfile "mymecabrc") style. * Separates dictionary-dependent tests from test.scm. 2009-03-01 Shiro Kawai * Picked up development to make use of it. Adapted to the newer way of stub writing. NOTE: you need Gauche svn trunk to compile this.