
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @143 [143] 15 years hayamizu add URL
(edit) @142 [142] 15 years hayamizu redirection with twittering-mode.el to avoid 404
(edit) @141 [141] 15 years hayamizu twmode on lambdarepos is obsolete
(edit) @140 [140] 15 years hayamizu lambdarepos ver. is obsolete.
(edit) @139 [139] 15 years hayamizu add README
(edit) @138 [138] 16 years tsuyoshi support sign and some fix. coming new Author Alberto.
(edit) @137 [137] 16 years tsuyoshi add support ReTweet?
(edit) @136 [136] 16 years tsuyoshi twittering-mode support in_reply_to_status_id post/status
(edit) @135 [135] 16 years tsuyoshi add any patches from Alberto.
(edit) @134 [134] 16 years hayamizu Patch from Alberto Garcia for 'Twitter …
(edit) @81 [81] 16 years tsuyoshi fix update target.
(edit) @80 [80] 16 years tsuyoshi Add new methods. public_timeline,replies,user_timeline and some treat …
(edit) @78 [78] 16 years tsuyoshi Change log update(I forgot it booo...orz
(edit) @77 [77] 16 years tsuyoshi Fix Major mode docstring : add keybinding
(edit) @62 [62] 17 years tsuyoshi Update 0.6. support since params.
(edit) @61 [61] 17 years tsuyoshi Commit test twittering-mode for 'since' support
(edit) @58 [58] 17 years tsuyoshi fix request crlf miscount.
(edit) @50 [50] 17 years tsuyoshi fix param
(edit) @49 [49] 17 years tsuyoshi support fav for status.
(edit) @48 [48] 17 years tsuyoshi upto 0.5
(edit) @47 [47] 17 years tsuyoshi update 0.5 : twittering-mode
(edit) @41 [41] 17 years tsuyoshi apply all patches
(edit) @40 [40] 17 years tsuyoshi Fix id/user-id formatting problem. append created-time clicable …
(edit) @39 [39] 17 years tsuyoshi up to trunk 0.4.
(edit) @38 [38] 17 years tsuyoshi Update to 0.4.
(edit) @37 [37] 17 years tsuyoshi append nico's patches and hook variable add.
(edit) @36 [36] 17 years tsuyoshi Fix username-pos invalid integer-or-marker-p problem.
(edit) @35 [35] 17 years gan2 branches/tsuyoshi/ から twittering-mode.el をコピー
(edit) @34 [34] 17 years tsuyoshi append start autoload function. append keybind i icon toggle t proxy …
(edit) @33 [33] 17 years tsuyoshi Fix j,k,n,p functions error.
(edit) @32 [32] 17 years tsuyoshi Copy from gan2 to tsuyoshi (private branches)
(edit) @31 [31] 17 years gan2 n, p でポイント上のユーザの次(前)の発言に移動する設定を追加 そのための関数をいくつか定義 前回定義した j, k 用の関数名を変更
(edit) @30 [30] 17 years gan2 message から status に変更のし忘れがあったので修正
(edit) @29 [29] 17 years gan2 message を status に名前変更
(edit) @28 [28] 17 years gan2 RB-0.3 を gan2 にコピー
(edit) @25 [25] 17 years hayamizu replaced
(edit) @24 [24] 17 years hayamizu fixed typo
(edit) @12 [12] 17 years tsuyoshi branche 0.3
(edit) @11 [11] 17 years tsuyoshi Marge proxy,safe passowrd,safe image tmp dir,user-agent,mode string and …
(add) @10 [10] 17 years hayamizu lang/elisp/twittering-mode: Initial import
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