17 years |
tsuyoshi |
update changelog.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
first porting commit.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
create wassr-mode from twittering-mode.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
create wassr-mode from twittering-mode.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
fix param
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
support fav for status.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
upto 0.5
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
update 0.5 : twittering-mode
17 years |
naoya_t |
irc-logger/htdocs/logview.cgi: make today the default date
17 years |
naoya_t |
irc-logger : modified htdocs/index.cgi - sorting globbed filenames
17 years |
naoya_t |
irc-logger : modified htdocs/index.cgi. oops.
17 years |
naoya_t |
irc-logger in Gauche : first import
17 years |
naoya_t |
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
apply all patches
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
Fix id/user-id formatting problem. append created-time clicable …
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
up to trunk 0.4.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
Update to 0.4.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
append nico's patches and hook variable add.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
Fix username-pos invalid integer-or-marker-p problem.
17 years |
gan2 |
branches/tsuyoshi/ から twittering-mode.el をコピー
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
append start autoload function. append keybind i icon toggle t proxy …
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
Fix j,k,n,p functions error.
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
Copy from gan2 to tsuyoshi (private branches)
17 years |
gan2 |
n, p でポイント上のユーザの次(前)の発言に移動する設定を追加
前回定義した j, k 用の関数名を変更
17 years |
gan2 |
message から status に変更のし忘れがあったので修正
17 years |
gan2 |
message を status に名前変更
17 years |
gan2 |
RB-0.3 を gan2 にコピー
17 years |
hayamizu |
17 years |
hayamizu |
fixed typo
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
branche 0.3
17 years |
tsuyoshi |
Marge proxy,safe passowrd,safe image tmp dir,user-agent,mode string and …
17 years |
hayamizu |
lang/elisp/twittering-mode: Initial import
17 years |
naoya_t |
Creating PIC tools directory
17 years |
naoya_t |
Tagging Zu interpreter for Gauche
17 years |
naoya_t |
Zu interpreter for Gauche: initial import
17 years |
naoya_t |
Zu interpreter for Gauche
17 years |
ujihisa |
lang: initial import and add sample