Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (Unsupported version control system "git": Can't find an appropriate component, maybe the corresponding plugin was not enabled? ). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Welcome to λ-Repos (git)

CodeReposプロジェクトに触発されて作ってみました。 commit権に関するお問い合わせは@naoya_tまで。


Git Access Information

* First create a git repository on your local machine.

mkdir gitprocject
cd gitproject
git init

* Next set the remote.upload.url variable

git-config remote.upload.url http://lambdarepos.svnrepository.com/git/share2/

git-config remote.upload.url https://secure2.svnrepository.com/g_lambda/share2/
git config http.sslVerify false

* Next, create a ~/.netrc file to store your repository user and password, the file should contain: If you are using http then the machine name should be:

machine lambdarepos.svnrepository.com

If you are using https then the machine name should be:

machine secure2.svnrepository.com
login repositoryuser
password repositorypassword

Be sure to set the permissions of this file to 600, e.g. chmod 600 ~/.netrc

* Add and commit your inital code:

git add .
git commit

* You will now be able to execute remote push and pull commands

git push upload master
git pull upload master

* You clone urls will then be:

git clone http://lambdarepos.svnrepository.com/git/share2/
GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://secure2.svnrepository.com/g_lambda/share2/

Directory path rules

  • Softwares, Libraries
    http://lambdarepos.svnrepository.com/git/share2/lang/LanguageName/BigProjectName/ (module, package)
    http://lambdarepos.svnrepository.com/git/share2/lang/LanguageName/misc/ScriptName (short scripts, tiny tools)
  • Platform Apps (i.e.:Air, Prism, ...)
  • Web Service
  • Documents
  • dotfiles